Listen, Learn, Act.
Those Who've Helped Us
We've created a list of resources that have helped us on our own healing journey. These are just a few of the many out there. Please use these resources as a way to help build practical tools and strategies. We hope that through this journey you learn to love yourself in a society that tells you otherwise.
Our Experience
Trent Shelton
For the entirety that I've been invested in self-help books, one concept I could never understand was purpose. The word was kind of just thrown out there that you need to find your purpose, and I never understood how. It wasn't until I found former NFL player to top motivational speaker Trent Shelton that this term began to click for me.
Trent taught me that you are purpose and how we were put on this Earth with purpose. This made so much sense to me because I often felt depleted, unsure how to live up to my potential. That being said, Trent helped me understand that my purpose is to help those around me.
Instagram: trentshelton
Podcast: Straight Up
Instagram: melrobbins
Book: The 5 Second Rule
Mel Robbins
Mel Robbins recently posted a video about a metaphor that resonated with me. She uses the metaphor to explain how if you're constantly stuck in the past, you're never going to be able to experience growth. Her words moved me and encouraged me to not let my anxiety hijack my present — to take control of my life and so, I began applying her rule known as the five-second rule to my daily routine.
When I was first introduced to her book, The Five-Second Rule, I had no idea how big of an impact this tool would have on my life. It's just 5 seconds you could convince yourself. But for me, I've been able to use this tool to consistently meet my goals, routines, and intentions. I've learned to speak up for myself or share a thought when I otherwise wouldn't have, to get out of bed in the morning when I made a promise to myself, I'd wake up earlier, or to change my reaction to something that's a trigger to me.
I promise if you fully believe in the power of 5 seconds, it will help make a difference in your life. Use it to your advantage to shift or reframe your mindset from a negative thought spiral. Her story is quite intriguing as it's science-based on how counting down from 5 seconds can actually change your mind.
To find out more I encourage you to read her book The Five-Second Rule or check out her Five Second Journal.
More Resources
Brene Brown
Katherine Center
Elyse Resch
Dave Hollis
Katie Green
Jennifer Gaudiani
Cristy Harrison
Brene Brown
Thomas Cash
Caroline Foran
Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik
Danae Mercer
Brene Brown
Jay Shetty
Dr. Adi Jaffe & Sophie Jaffe
Cristy Harrison
Jessica Flint
Brene Brown
Corinne Dobbas